
Our transcription of 133 letters in the McConnell family papers collection handwritten by Mrs. Newcomb would not have been possible if some thoughtful, or perhaps just tolerant-of-paper, person had not saved the letters and then donated them to a library. To this unknown person, possibly James McConnell, but just as possibly someone in his family or his office, we are grateful.

Maddie Stratton, from the “Times Picayune’s 300 at 300.” Courtesy of Maddie Stratton and the “Times Picayune.”
In celebration of New Orleans’ tricentennial in 2018, the “Times Picayune” recognized 300 people who made a lasting impact on the city. JLN was among them, and we thank then also people who remember her today in this and other ways.

Our work was accomplished with the assistance of many institutions and people and we mention here a few of them:
As mentioned throughout the exhibition, the transcribed letters come from the McConnell family papers, Louisiana Research Center, Tulane University, Special Collections. The letter of Paul Tulane, asking for advice on the use of a scribe, is also from the McConnell family papers. We thank Leon Miller, head of the Center, and especially Sean Benjamin, who saw the beginning of the project but left Tulane before the online public viewing.
For an understanding of legal record-keeping practices varying by states and the letters of JLN in the court cases’ volumes in New York and New Orleans, we thank Georgia Chadwick, director emerita of the Louisiana Supreme Court Library; Kimberly Glorioso, Senior Reference Librarian, Tulane Law Library; Kaye N. Courington, attorney, New Orleans; the staff of New York State Library; Richard Tuske of the Library of the New York City Bar Association; and Jim Folts of the New York State Archives.
We thank Tulane University Archives and its archivist Ann Case for the photograph of William Preston Johnston as well as other photographs and much guidance.
We thank Newcomb Archives, for the use of four letters of JLN in their collection, and for many other photographs. Photo credits are not given for the following images from the Newcomb Archives: the cropped image of Newcomb pottery, the images of Brandt Dixon and Eliza Dixon on the page of correspondents, and the small widget used between a number of exhibition which first appeared in the student magazine The Newcomb Arcade. We thank especially Chloe Raub and Bernadette Birzer of the Newcomb Archives and Jacquelyn Howard of the Newcomb College Institute.
We thank LSU Press for permission to reprint the articles by Marsha Wedell and Harriet Swift.
For use of the photograph of Warren Newcomb, we thank the Filson Historical Society, Louisville, Kentucky.
For use of the token used in Henderson and Gaines store in New Orleans, we thank the American Numismatic Society.
We thank the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, for the photograph of the painting by Jesselyn Benson Zurik, “Two Newcomb Students,” gouache on paper, ca. 1938.
For identification of the public domain photo of Gavino Gutierrez, we thank the Archives and Records Division of the City of Tampa and the Ybor City Museum, also of Tampa.
For identification and more information we also thank Cornell University Library Special Collections, Charleston County Pubic Library and its History Room, the Historic Charleston Foundation, the Maryland Historical Society, the Maryland State Archives, and the very helpful Baltimore City Archives.
For the photograph of Ida Slocumb Richardson, we thank Kathleen Carlin and the archival committee of Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans.
We thank the Hermann-Grima House for their early interest and encouragement of the project.